
GWR: Nigerian Student To Break Record For Longest Quiz Marathon

Prince George Ogwuru, a recent graduate from Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike (MOUAU), is setting his sights on a unique challenge: breaking the Guinness World Record for the longest quiz marathon.

George Ogwuru

But this isn’t just a test of trivia – it’s a mission to champion lifelong learning and the importance of agriculture. His 72-hour marathon quiz, scheduled for April 23-27, 2024, at MOUAU, aims to promote lifelong learning by showcasing the power of knowledge and perseverance, Ogwuru hopes to inspire continuous learning and a thirst for information, raise awareness about agriculture by focusing on agricultural-related topics, highlighting the critical role this sector plays in society and encouraging young minds to explore its diverse and vital fields, rekindle reading culture by emphasizing the importance of preparation and research, Ogwuru seeks to rekindle a love for reading among youth, foster friendly competition by welcoming students from all levels and fostering a spirit of sportsmanship and camaraderie.

See also: GWR: Nigerian Lady Sets New Record For Longest Handmade Wig

Ogwuru has meticulously planned his approach, crafting a comprehensive selection of 6000 agricultural questions and structuring them for optimal engagement. Participants will span diverse agricultural disciplines, showcasing the sector’s breadth and depth.

With every hour punctuated by only a five-minute break, the marathon promises both excitement and endurance. Participation is free, opening the door for widespread engagement and a chance to be part of this record-breaking attempt.

Ogwuru’s passion for education and agriculture shines through his ambitious endeavor. He hopes to not only etch his name in the record books but also inspire a generation of young farmers and knowledge seekers. Let’s join him on this extraordinary adventure and witness the power of learning, dedication, and the enduring value of agriculture.

Chidalu Glory

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