
“I Won’t Disappointment Nigerians”, New SGF Akume Says

George Akume, a former governor and the current minister of Special Duties and Intergovernmental Affairs, has expressed his commitment to serving Nigerians and President Bola Tinubu as the newly sworn-in Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF). Following his appointment by President Tinubu, Mr. Akume addressed State House journalists, emphasizing his dedication to fulfilling his responsibilities.

Having been chosen for this esteemed position among millions of Nigerians, Mr. Akume considers it a challenge to serve in accordance with the oath he took. He assured the nation that he would do his best, striving not to disappoint the President, the country, or his party. He expressed his belief that Nigerians would find fulfillment in his duties as he acted in their best interests, and he considered it an honor to serve the nation. With unwavering faith in God’s guidance, he pledged to give his utmost, allowing Nigerians to truly reap the benefits of democracy.

Mr. Akume, a former governor of Benue State and a prominent member of the ruling party, APC, declared his intention to follow President Tinubu’s footsteps. Recognizing President Tinubu as a proactive leader who actively engages in the pursuit of progress rather than being a mere critic, Mr. Akume vowed to align himself accordingly. He affirmed that failure was not an option, as they must strive to meet the expectations placed upon them.

Boss Mustapha, the immediate past SGF, advised Mr. Akume to prepare himself for the challenges ahead, acknowledging the demanding nature of the position. He emphasized the significance of the role in coordinating government activities and formulating policies, programs, and projects. With the responsibility of guiding the government and overseeing multiple ministries and agencies, the task at hand was substantial. However, Mr. Mustapha expressed confidence in Mr. Akume’s preparedness and believed that he would elevate the office to new heights.

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The swearing-in ceremony was attended by notable figures from the APC, including the new Benue governor, Hyacinth Alia. Reverend Father Alia, filled with joy and pride, expressed his delight that Benue was chosen to produce the SGF. Recognizing Mr. Akume’s contributions to the state and the nation throughout the years, he lauded the decision and celebrated this significant achievement for Benue.

Chidalu Glory

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